1. Fish: Chinook or Coho Salmon, Flounder or Rock Sole, Pacific Cod, China Rockfish
2. Amphibian: Oregon spotted frog
3. Bird: Marbled Murrelet (like an auk)
4. Shellfish (mollusks): Geoduck clam, oysters, sea scallops, sea butterfly (pteropod)
5. Crustaceans: Dungeness crab, snow crab, King crab
6. Mammals: Southern resident orcas, gray wolf, fisher (a weasel), Stellar sea lion
Human Impact on The Pacific Northwest Ecosystem
Project 2022
Create a 3-Dimensional Public Service Announcement to raise awareness about the biodiversity of the Pacific Northwest marine ecosystem and the various environmental issues that impact it. The PSA must incorporate engaging, attention-grabbing graphics. The design style and organization of information is your choice. It can be a simple tri-fold poster or brochure or a complex multi-dimensional model. You are expected to work together as a group, and always have the option of creating one solo.
General Instructions: Typed writing is required, although some (less than 5%) may be neatly handwritten if necessary. Proper grammar and spelling expected of an Ursuline Junior only is permitted. Representative pictures/photos must have typed labels. The information presented should be informative, visually appealing, and coherent (easy-to-follow). Reading level should reflect no lower than 8th grade (American) student. Sections do not need to be in sequence and can be placed anywhere each fits, but a bolded heading must accompany each section to make them easy to find.
Project Details: