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Biology I: Homeostasis Project: Home

Human Impact on the Pacific Northwest Ecosystem

Species You Can Choose


1. Fish: Chinook or Coho Salmon, Flounder or Rock Sole, Pacific Cod, China Rockfish

2. Amphibian: Oregon spotted frog

3. Bird: Marbled Murrelet (like an auk)

4. Shellfish (mollusks): Geoduck clam, oysters, sea scallops, sea butterfly (pteropod)

5. Crustaceans: Dungeness crab, snow crab, King crab

6. Mammals: Southern resident orcas, gray wolf, fisher (a weasel), Stellar sea lion

Assignment in brief

Human Impact on The Pacific Northwest Ecosystem

Project 2022

Create a 3-Dimensional Public Service Announcement to raise awareness about the biodiversity of the Pacific Northwest marine ecosystem and the various environmental issues that impact it.  The PSA must incorporate engaging, attention-grabbing graphics. The design style and organization of information is your choice. It can be a simple tri-fold poster or brochure or a  complex multi-dimensional model. You are expected to work together as a group, and always have the option of creating one solo.

General Instructions:  Typed writing is required, although some (less than 5%) may be neatly handwritten if necessary. Proper grammar and spelling expected of an Ursuline Junior only is permitted. Representative pictures/photos must have typed labels. The information presented should be informative, visually appealing, and coherent (easy-to-follow). Reading level should reflect no lower than 8th grade (American) student. Sections do not need to be in sequence and can be placed anywhere each fits, but a bolded heading must accompany each section to make them easy to find.

Project Details:

  1. Title of Impact on the Ecosystem and Student Authors – the title should be creative as well as descriptive of the impact on the assigned organism. Include all group members who worked on the project. First names should be initials, last names spelled out.

  1. Introduction: provide a concise description of the Pacific Northwest ecosystem that includes its location with representative photos. Provide a map of the area. Use actual officially named locations. Describe and illustrate abiotic and biotic factors for which this ecosystem is known.

  1. Characteristics of the Assigned Organisms: Provide a classification scheme (including genus and specific epithet) and description of the most representative (common/dominant) organism that your group was assigned. Include in your description any unique or special features and adaptations that allow them to live/survive in this region. Provide LABELED representative pictures.

  1. Ecological Significance: discuss the ecological/environmental significance of the organism as it relates to humans and other organisms. Be sure to indicate if the organism is a keystone species. Describe the niche and trophic level that the organism usually occupies.

  1. Effects of Human Interactions: Discuss all human-caused impact on this organism’s survival, reproduction, and population numbers. Include both direct and indirect effects that have been documented.

  1. Action Steps: Suggest at least 3 ways to minimize the impact. Solutions must be as cost-effective and practical as possible (moving to Mars is not a good solution!)

  1. Public Involvement: This section includes information to help interested citizens get involved, such as web sites to visit to find out more, local, or global companies to support, organizations to join, members of Congress or similar organizations to write/petition, and other such activities.

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