Select ONE of the following:
Video: Documentary
Create a documentary video depicting major events in salvation history. Choose 10 events from the following list. Your video should mention and include a brief explanation/depiction of the events:
Your video must be at least 10 minutes long and convey why each of these events was a development in the relationship between God and humanity.
Art Gallery
Create an art gallery illustrating one of the following topics:
Create a collection of images of at least 10 museum quality* works of art that depict one of the topics listed above. For each of the art images, you will write a 120-word analysis of that image, describing and explaining how the artist depicted that event. For the art gallery, you may use an electronic presentation form (Powerpoint, Prezi, Sway, etc.) or a printed display. You will give an oral presentation of your art gallery in class.
*Museum-quality art: Artworks displayed in an art museum or a church.
Note: Only one person per class may present on each particular topic in this category.
Faith and Science: Original Sin and Human Origins/Evolution (*note curated articles in Electronic Resources)
What does the Catholic Church teach about evolution? What do scientists consider to be an explanation of human origins? Is this at odds with the Genesis narrative of Adam and Eve? Read a series of articles (listed below) on scientific research on human origins, plus the Church’s teaching on original sin and evolution. (Note: This is a challenging topic, but the research has already been done for you! 😊)
Create a presentation explaining:
1) what paleoanthropologists currently understand about human origins
2) what the Catholic Church teaches about the relationship between faith and science, especially regarding human origins
3) examine these scientific findings in light of the teaching of the Catholic Church.
Your project may be either a traditional written paper or it may be visual (Powerpoint, Sway, Prezi, etc.). You will give an oral presentation of your project in class.
Note: No more than two people per class may select this topic.
Is the Eucharist Truly the Body & Blood of Christ? (*note curated articles in Electronic Resources)
What does the Catholic Church teach about the Eucharist? Is the bread and wine truly transformed into the actual flesh and blood of our Savior? (Note: This is a challenging topic, but the research has already been done for you! 😊)
Create a presentation explaining:
1) what the Catholic Church teaches regarding the Eucharist
2) what other faith denominations thinks about the Eucharist
3) examine these findings in light of the New Testament, particularly Jesus’ words at the Last Supper and John 6:48-58.
Your project may be either a traditional written paper or it may be visual (Powerpoint, Sway, Prezi, etc.). You will give an oral presentation of your project in class.
Note: No more than two people per class may select this topic.
The Shroud of Turin (*note curated articles in Electronic Resources)
What does the Catholic Church believe about the Shroud of Turin? Is it truly the burial cloth of our Savior? What deeper understanding does it provide about the Paschal Mystery? (Note: This is a challenging topic, but the research has already been done for you! 😊)
Create a presentation explaining:
Your project may be either a traditional written paper or it may be visual (Powerpoint, Sway, Prezi, etc.). You will give an oral presentation of your project in class.
Note: No more than two people per class may select this topic.
Research a saint who has been canonized in the past 50 years. Create a presentation that includes:
Your project may be either a traditional written paper or it may be visual (Powerpoint, Sway, Prezi, etc.). You will give an oral presentation of your project in class.