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Theology--Metaphors and Symbolism: Home

Assignment in Brief

Research your assigned metaphor or image/symbol. You will create a 5-minute presentation and handout in order to teach the class about the topic you are assigned.

Helpful search terms: People writing about metaphors for the Catholic Church often do not use the word “metaphor.” Often, they use the phrases “Models of Church” and “Images of Church” instead. Try those terms in your search.

For people who will present on metaphors of The Church:

Read the information on the handout for your specific topic that Mrs. Jakubik gives you. Create a 5-minute presentation on the topic. Your presentation must include an electronic visual presentation (Powerpoint, Prezi, etc.) of salient points, and you will verbally discuss each point. Do not read your presentation word for word -- make bullet points/highlights and use those as cues for your explanation. You may include Scripture verses, short quotations from the CCC, images, etc. that enhance your presentation.

For people who will present on artistic images/Christian symbols/architecture:

Read the information on the handout for you specific topic that Mrs. Jakubik gives you. Mrs. Jakubik also has various books that can be resources for your presentation. Create a 5-minute presentation on your topic. Your presentation must include an electronic visual presentation (Powerpoint, Prezi, etc.) of images that illustrate your topic, and you will verbally explain how each image reflects Catholic belief about your topic. You may also include an outline of important points, but you must select images that are clear examples of your topic. Do not read your presentation word for word -- make bullet points/highlights and use those as cues for your explanation. You may include other information that enhances your presentation, if desired.

All students must also create a note-taking aid for your classmates. It may not be simply a printout of your Powerpoint outline. It can be typed, hand-drawn, or created with artistic software.

Catechism Online

Check Mrs. Jakubik's handout for page numbers relevant to your topic!


Mrs. Jakubik and Mrs. Frasco have all of the hardcopy books you should need for this project! The online New Catholic Encyclopedia is linked below.


Electronic resources

Helpful Websites

See Mrs. Jakubik's handout for specific articles related to your topic.