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Women of Valor: Home

Women Who Made a Mark on American History

Assignment in brief

The Project

Each student will report on a Woman of Valor (W.O.V.) from colonial America up to 1860. The goal is to move through time chronologically, earlier presenters will work in the Colonial period, with later presenters discussing women of the Early Republic and Antebellum period (pre-Civil War). You will provide a brief background (biography) of the woman's life, describing the context of the time she lived in and what she did that makes her valorous! 


The most important part of your presentation will be sharing the significance of your W.O.V. Why should we care about her and what makes her unique? Here, you will be practicing making a historical argument - something that you'll need to do in each of our 3 projects this term.


To complete this project, you will need to research your woman. To share your research process with me, you will complete an annotated bibliography sharing details about the source and how you plan to use this in your project. I will share standards and a rubric, demonstrating what you need to do to be successful on this project.



Each oral report (5-7 minutes) should include a brief biography, at least one picture, and the significance of this person.



  • You must submit a proposal to me at least 2 A-days before your presentation to share your choice of W.O.V. and ideas you want to share with your classmates
  • Find at minimum 3 sources and include on a bibliography slide in your presentation. You are required to meet with Ms. Earsing, the librarian, at least once during your research.
  • You must submit an annotated bibliography of at least 3 sources that you used to prepare for your presentation



  • You may use Power Point or Prezi to another presentation program to organize your thoughts
  • Presentations need to show signs of practice and polish. You cannot just read off a slide!
  • Submit 2 multiple choice questions about your W.O.V. for a future knowledge check. This will be an open note assessment, checking that the class has been attentive during these presentations


Starting Research

  • A great resource to explore for women's stories in Early America is the NY Historical Society's "Women and the American Story"

Here are some ideas of women to choose from, but you are not limited to this list!

17th & 18th Century

Susanna Wright

Abigail Adams

Elizabeth Freeman

Nanyehi Nancy Ward

Deborah Squash

Phillis Wheatley

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