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Jesus, Salvation & the Chruch - Unit 3 Project: Life in Christ: Home

Perugino. Baptism of Christ. 1481-1483. Britannica Image Quest.

You may choose from a wide range of project possibilities! Every student will create a video documentary or video presentation on Life in Christ as outlined below*.    

*Your project may be a video documentary using ScreenPal or video presentation using Powerpoint. You may choose Canva, however, it must be converted to Powerpoint before recording & submitting.  

IF you are creating a video documentary, a written script in WORD is required as part of your submission.  The script is not a formal paper; Conversational style is appropriate.

IF you are creating a video presentation, the actual Power Point is required as part of your submission along with your video.  A written script in the NOTES section must be included. Notes in ppt must be in paragraph form and reflect the words spoken in the video presentation.

Be creative!  Your video should be 8-10 minutes in length.   

Project Timeline

Topic selection due:                                                    November 14  

Checkpoint (20 points):                                                 November 22

Entire Project (100-point assignment):                       December 9


Checkpoints demonstrate: What have I learned from my research so far? 

Video Checkpoint using ScreenPal: Outline/storyboard of video. Final video script, including descriptions of costumes and props.

Video Checkpoint using Powerpoint: Final script in the notes for all slides.  Intro slide + 3 more slides finalized.

**For all other images in presentations, be sure to include images from one of the following sources:

Wikimedia Commons

Use of any generative AI programs including but not limited to ChatGPT by students on graded assignments is prohibited, except with the express permission of the teacher, in which case the use of AI must be cited by the student. 

Unauthorized use of AI on graded assignments by the student will be treated as an

Honor Bound violation.

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